![]() The New Moon took place today at 12:12pm, towards the end of the sign of Libra at 26 degrees. New Moons highlight new beginnings, akin to the dark period just before birth or a seed sprouting in soil. However, the later degrees of a sign represent a deeper maturity of that sign. So, this is a New Moon with an old soul. In the beginning degrees of Libra, Libra is all about strict balance, equal justice and blind justice. Her perspective is very black or white. It is either exactly equal or not, there are no gray areas. This reminds me of a story a friend shared with me. When he was growing up, he ate a lot as an adolescent boy. His sister, though, wanted everything to be fair and equal. So, if she served dinner, everyone was served exactly the same amount of food regardless of what their caloric needs were. When the parents tried to share some of their food with their son, the daughter would protest, stating that everyone should get the same amount of food. Although she was petite she felt she should get the same as her growing brother who was both taller and larger. In this instance, equal is neither fair nor just. As another example, if one steals because they are covetous or greedy while another steals food to feed their family should the punishment be the same for each crime? At the beginning of Libra’s journey, the answer is a resounding yes! Regardless of motive, there is a single, definite consequence for theft. As we get to the end of our trip through Libra, we approach Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign related to power, relationships, sex, shadow, death and rebirth. Scorpio also has a deeper understanding and is willing to look at the gray areas of situations. As Libra approaches Scorpio, she may consider extenuating circumstances and gradations of equality and justice. Our Sun and Moon are together in Libra for this New Moon and they are accompanied by Mercury and Jupiter which are in the beginning degrees of Scorpio. The net effect is that all these energies are working together. The sun represents our fuel and energy while the moon reflects our emotions. Mercury is related to our thinking patterns and Jupiter symbolizes our ability to expand and evolve. This New Moon is really asking us to look at these various aspects with regard to our relationships, so we can understand them more deeply. If something is out of balance, why is it that way? Should we continue driving on cruise control or do we need to speed up or slow down? I like the term Right Relationship. Does the relationship make sense and is it in the correct proportion? What is your Right Relationship with food? Do you eat too much or not enough? Perhaps you would be better served if you focus your energy in another area right now. There may not always be a perfect or simple answer. What is your Right Relationship with your partner? Do you need more support right now or do they? It is rarely possible nor practical for relationships to remain at all times in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Use this New Moon to sit quietly. Bring to mind something that is in conflict or feels out of balance. Use the investigative powers of Mercury in Scorpio to understand the dynamic playing out here. Ask yourself, “How can I bring this relationship into Right Relationship?”
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AuthorAndrea Carvalho, musings on the journey to vibrant embodiment. Archives
July 2023