Curiosity May New Moon – 4 degrees Gemini Thursday May 25, 2017 at 12:44pm – 4 degrees Gemini Irritable much? It might be the New Moon in Gemini. It’s not all bad. There’s some good stuff there too, so keep reading! The New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun are together in the same sign and the side of the moon facing the earth is not illuminated by the sun. Consequently, it is invisible to us just like many of our gifts or sometimes even our deepest desires can be. It is like a seed in the ground ready to burst forth its new life. The darkness of this moon, invites us to get quiet, reflective, to listen softly, and perhaps to be curious about our inner whisperings.
Gemini is the sign of the Traveling Bard, free of responsibilities, traveling from Kingdom to Kingdom, sharing the news. She is able to share the story no matter how dark or light, without bearing the repercussions of anger from the King or Queen. Why? Because Gemini is the master of understanding the rules so deeply and completely she knows exactly how to break them, with a joke here or an unusual solution there. She is the master communicator of the zodiac precisely because of her ability to communicate without causing too many enemies! She gets this skill from her childlike energy and approach to the world. Just think of the amazing ability of children to say it exactly as it is – ‘from the mouths of babes’. Gemini has an insatiable curiosity, always looking in, around and over things to find out, ‘How come?’, ‘Why?’ Just think of a child, opening all the cupboard doors just to see what’s inside. Curiosity is super important, when we indulge our curiosity, things get discovered and uncovered. It is in curiosity we find awe and in awe we find that we are much more than just ourselves. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.” Albert Einstein We still are enjoying a beautiful Grand Trine between Uranus, Saturn and the North Node. A Grand Trine is a real treat, it happens when 3 planets are in a dance of mutual support and cooperation. The North Node highlights our ‘true life path’. Uranus is sudden change, innovation or an ‘aha!’ moment and Saturn is structure, and foundation. This particular combination, beckons us to express our deeply held dreams and visions particularly from childhood (Gemini’s influence). We’ll also get some help from Jupiter and the Sun who are in a very favorable interaction (Sun Trine Jupiter), allowing our ideas to expand. There are a few challenges with this Gemini New Moon. First, because Gemini is an air sign and very mental and inquisitive, this New Moon is doubling the Gemini energy which may make some people feel anxious and irritable. With the grand trine in the fire signs, you could even experience a raging inferno on your hands. A good tonic to offset this energy is grounding activities like walking, hiking, slow flow yoga, and gardening. There may be a tendency to repel this intense energy by day dreaming or checking out with addiction (Sun Square Neptune & Moon Square Neptune). You may also experience a sense of wanting to move forward but feeling blocked (Mars Squares Saturn). This often happens if we had been shut down a lot as a child, where every idea you ever shared was squelched. You may want to share and bring your dreams to reality, but in fact, you are so stuck in fear about it not working out, that you check out. This could cause you to think that if you could only distract yourself, you’ll forget about it. Perhaps you may choose to postpone it for when, ‘the time is right’. But in fact, checking out will only make it worse. It can slowly become an unrecognized desire that is forever hungry because it is never expressed. Try approaching it from a child’s curiosity of ‘Why not? How come?’ Try asking yourself, “what if it didn’t matter what people thought, then what would I do?” Art, beauty and the feminine are our allies for the New Moon. Which is prefect, since culturally we often think of the moon, particularly the New Moon as feminine. Venus has a favorable relationship with Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Mars helps us balance our masculine and feminine sides and gives us extra energy. Saturn gives us structure and form while Uranus gives us innovation and a desire for change. So it is a good time to enjoy art and be creative. However, Mars is struggling a little bit here because he would rather be the center of attention, and for this New Moon, he is not. He is in quite a struggle with Chiron, our wounded healer. Chiron represents the parts of ourselves that are wounded, but through those wounds we have an opportunity to find a gift. With Mars here it could be those childhood fears of being squelched may stem from the masculine or a masculine person in your life. Exploring with curiosity and uncovering these hidden wounds may result in an ‘aha!’ breakthrough of transformation. Yoga Sequence Suggestion: do a classical Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute). Don’t worry about the particular order, instead put your focus on moving slowly, and playfully. Be curious about your practice. Remember, ask yourself – “what would I do if it didn’t matter.” Spiritual/Ritual Practice: Create art work using something unusual, perhaps bottle caps or food on your plate. Be playful, like a child. Take a picture, then make it your screen saver to remind you to ‘think outside the box and be creative’. Dive Deep to Ascend, Andrea
AuthorAndrea Carvalho, musings on the journey to vibrant embodiment. Archives
July 2023