![]() Full Moon Sunday, August 26 4:56am pdt 3 Pisces 12 Full Moon’s naturally highlight duality or opposites as the Sun and the Moon are opposite each other. For this full moon, the moon will be in Pisces the empathic healer of the zodiac. Pisces’s focus is about being of service by merging and connecting deeply with the world that surrounds them. Opposing the Moon is the Sun in logical Virgo – of service but not because of empathy, because it must be done. Virgo’s focus is about doing the things that must be done in order to keep the world moving forward. Both of these signs want to merge with life and to be of service to others the difference is Virgo is focused on the doing and Pisces is focused on the being.
We find this Full Moon chart filled with many retrograde planets. When planets are retrograde, they turn their energy inward. Mars - our energy, Saturn – our stability (and inner critic), Uranus – innovation, Neptune – spirituality, Pluto – transformation, Chiron – the wounded healer are all retrograde. Inviting us into an inner exploration. The funny thing about inner exploration is that it isn’t something you do it is something you explore. You can’t unpack your inner world like a suitcase, you need to surrender to it, to sense it and feel it. Wisdoms that want to come forward need to emerge and cannot be pulled forward. Less doing and more surrendering to the flow. This Full Moon is at 3 degrees Pisces. Three in the tarot is the Empress, the principle of love with wisdom and the name sake of the Empress Constellation. The primary goal of the Empress constellation is about creating a better world for us all to be in a very Virgo-Pisces task indeed! Challenges arise when we become overly controlling (Virgo) or are not able to give freely, because we are coming from a place of need or to over give leaving ourselves depleted (Pisces). This constellation is also the home of the Hanged Man. The Hanged Man is about being willing to turn ourselves upside down to get a fresh perspective on old issues, obstacles and habits. From this new vantage point we can get clear with our motives and know what we need to keep ourselves nourished so that we have something to share, so that ultimately we can build that better world to live in for ourselves and others. This is love with wisdom. One of the biggest challenges for Pisces is getting lost in the giving and the merging. They are one of the signs most prone to both co-dependency and addiction. The give and give and give until their cup is completely empty or if overwhelmed they check out with drugs, alcohol, sex, work or some other addictive behavior. But if we have done the tedious work (Virgo) to deeply know ourselves we can be come aware when we have given too much and need to retreat to fill our cup or when we need better boundaries so that we do not feel overwhelmed (Pisces). In this constellation, there are 3 gifts and 1 challenge. The challenge is one we all face in varying degrees, it is the challenge of sorrow – holding onto the past when things did not work out the way we had wanted. It is a sorrow that holds us back from being in the present and experiencing the joy and possibility in this moment. If we are trapped in the fear of the past, we try to control the future. This hardening to the flow of life keeps us trapped in this sorrow. The gifts to help heal our sorrow, are first is to come from a place of integrity and tell the truth – know who you are. This Full Moon gives you the tools to uncover that knowledge. The second, communicate your feelings (Pisces). The good news is Mercury is no longer retrograde so we can find our voice. Lastly, by knowing our intentions, and setting priorities we can clearly focus on what needs to be done (Virgo). There are some challenging aspects this full moon. One in particular is Pluto (transformation) and Venus (our values) are in a direct difficult relationship. This means there is a process of transformation happening in regards to our values. Values are deeply held beliefs, often subconscious that create the lens by which we view the world. With all this inner working happening, I’m not surprised to see this planetary relationship. Instead of tensing to the transformation, can you be like watery Pisces and let it flow over you. Allow yourself to sense it, feel it before you try to judge and categorize it. Before saying no, ask why not. Luckily Saturn (stability) and Uranus (innovation) are in a harmonious relationship. They generally don’t like each other, since one likes movement and change and the other does not. A good example of this relationship is the light bulb. How many light bulb variation did Thomas Edison go through before he had his successful innovation? Ten, a hundred, a thousand? To keep trying that’s Saturn. To keep being curious that’s Uranus. Can you surrender to the process, not harden with control and just keep flowing forward. Instead of saying ‘I can’t’ ask ‘How can I?’ I often end my letters to you all with the salutation, ‘Dive Deep to Ascend’. When we dive deeply into our own murky waters, we can ascend with new knowledge that lifts us up and moves us forward. When you know yourself well and what you want, you can ‘do’ what need to be done (Virgo). But to get that knowledge you must surrender to the process of self-discovery (Pisces). Let go and let flow. Dive deep, innovate and let go, Andrea
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AuthorAndrea Carvalho, musings on the journey to vibrant embodiment. Archives
July 2023