![]() Full Moon Moon 6 Capricorn 28 Wednesday June 27 at 9:53pm pdt Full Moons naturally highlight duality as the Moon and Sun are opposite of each other. Additionally, this Full Moon is at 6 degrees Capricorn. In the Tarot, the number 6 is the Lovers or the Journey of the Twins which is ultimately about reconciling polarities. This is not about one winning and one losing. Rather, it is about saying and holding the ‘and’ place since each is equally important. Just like Kahlil Gibran says, the pillars of the temples stand apart.
This Full Moon is in Capricorn. In Shamanic Astrology, as outlined by Daniel Giamario, Capricorn’s primary function is ‘bringing spirit into matter’ for a purpose. Capricorn is also the sign of stability and structure in the zodiac. It is a very controlling energy. In general, Capricorn wants to have all its ducks in a row before moving forward, all the knowledge, the entire plan. Consequently, Capricorns move slowly, cautiously and are averse to change unless of course they have had a long, long time to think about it. Even then, change will be slow and incremental. This is good when you need a stable foundation. However, this can be challenging when the current foundation no longer serves you and needs to be restructured, or perhaps totally dismantled. In this Full Moon chart, I believe the Universe is asking – are you sure? Are you sure you want what you are striving for? When you have a heart-felt desire, one that bubbles up from deep inside and you finally get the courage to begin to manifest it, undoubtedly the Universe throws you curve balls. These are obstacles that need to be overcome in order to bring your desire to fruition. I don’t know why the Universe does this. Maybe it is trying to be sure you are strongly rooted and will be able to withstand the test of time. In my previous life as a farmer, my husband and I found that the herbs that grew outdoors rather than in the greenhouse had better flavor and were more robust. You would think the ones sheltered and sweetly cared for inside the greenhouse would do better. Instead, we actually found that the extremes of hot sun, cold wind, and pouring rain of the outdoors made those herb plants super strong, with better flavor and more resistance to bugs. It was as if the Universe was constantly asking, do you really want to be a rosemary plant? How badly do you want to be a rosemary plant? Whereas inside, there were no challenges for the plants to face, they could just be rosemary without effort. Without the challenges though, the plants generally were weaker, more prone to bugs and disease, and had less flavor and vibrancy. This Full Moon is challenging you, asking, “…how badly do you want your desire?” There are plenty of challenging aspects in this chart. To start, the Moon and Saturn will have just completed a conjunction, meaning they are overshadowed by each other. When the Moon (emotions), and Saturn (structure, restriction) are together, you can feel depressed, overwhelmed, maybe even a sense of ‘…why bother’ or ‘…it’s too hard.’ Additionally, there are several challenging aspects to Chiron, the wounded healer and Uranus, the innovation and ability to change, which may make you feel stuck in your old patterns and wounds. This is where it gets interesting, because Chiron and Uranus are in a good relationship, and also have good relationships with the North Node (your life path), Mercury (how you think) and Saturn (structure). I interpret this much like the rosemary plant being outside, having to grow in the elements, deeply rooted and strong, continually responding ‘YES’ to the question, “…are you sure you want to do this?”
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AuthorAndrea Carvalho, musings on the journey to vibrant embodiment. Archives
July 2023