New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse 28 degrees Leo August 21, 2017 at 11:30am pdt (viewing times vary) Part 3 of 3:
Welcome to the New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse! The last time we had a visible total solar eclipse on the west coast was February 26, 1979! These are very exciting times! Eclipses are change agents. They can begin their influence up to two months in advance and continue up to two months beyond the event. This eclipse is having a very big impact on us because it will be visible throughout the entire US. Whenever an eclipse is visible it has a stronger impact. I think this is true partly because it is so visually stunning. Here’s a recap: Eclipses come in sets, this set is on the Leo – Aquarius axis. Leo is a bright star, an individual, a leader. When Leo is grounded, heart-centered and embodied, she is beautiful, and inspiring. When she is not, she is boastful, egotistical and self-serving. Aquarius on the other hand is focused on innovation, freedom and the health and vibrancy of the community. The highest expression of Leo-Aquarius is a beautiful balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the community. Leo-Aquarius is about creating a community that benefits everyone, where all are welcome and everyone can be themselves. However, often there is a push pull between the needs of the individual and the needs of the community, with one or the other pushing, controlling and dictating to the other. We have been preparing for this Eclipse for several weeks beginning with the Leo New Moon in July (July 23). July’s New Moon was at the beginning of Leo, asking us to enter into the journey of self-love and asking us ‘how do we love ourselves?’ ‘How can we heal our wounds so we can really be our fullest most beautiful self?’ (You can read the July New Moon interpretation here for more information.) A couple of weeks ago we had a Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse (August 7) in Aquarius that asked us to look at self-love within the context of the community at large. It was guiding us to explore how our larger community is affected by how we care for ourselves as well as how we interact with others (You can read the August Full Moon interpretation here for more information). We have now arrived at part 3, the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Leo. This is the apex of our journey, the initiation of Inner Revolution leading us to Personal Vibrancy. We have journeyed all the way through the sign of Leo. This New Moon is now at 28 degrees Leo. Hopefully we have matured past the child-like Leo, who is just learning how to be bright, to the adult Leo. The adult Leo takes responsibility for their own wounds and heals them so they can be a bright vibrant individual. The adult Leo also inspires others to live more in balance with other people within their communities and to be bright without overpowering others. This is a very favorable New Moon. The Sun, Moon and Mercury are in direct contact with each other, and Mars and the North Node, are very near as well. This gives us lots of Leo energy consisting of bright, gregarious, generous, loving, playful and regal energy while aligning this energy, emotion, intention, communication, thinking style and our life’s purpose together to be our most beautiful self. The shadow manifestations would include the characteristics of a bullying, self-serving, egomaniac. As discussed in the Full Moon interpretation, Uranus is the star of this New Moon, with help from several other planets, giving us a perfect opportunity for inner revolution that leads us closer to our true selves. Uranus, Saturn and Mars are in wonderful synergistic collaboration offering us a fiery passionate energy to create change in our lives with a solid foundation. There is certainly a feeling of wanting to let go of what no longer serves us or to remove any obstacles that hold us back from being authentic, as Jupiter (expansion) squares off with Uranus (change/innovation). Both Mars (energy), Uranus (change/innovation) and the North Node (life’s purpose), are in a favorable relationship which can help us move forward with manifesting long held desires or perhaps uncovering our life’s purpose. Additionally, Saturn (structure/foundation) has a good relationship with Jupiter (expansion), giving us the ability to expand with a plan. Whenever we try to make fundamental shifts in our lives, we often come up against some form of resistance. This is where Chiron comes in. Chiron is the wounded healer, as such he directs us towards the part of ourselves that are hurt and keep us from being bright. Chiron and Saturn are squaring off as we attempt to integrate our needs for tradition, convention, and stability, with our needs to follow our inner desire for freedom and to heal ourselves emotionally. Furthermore, Chiron and Venus are in conversation inviting us to explore the principle of love and attraction and our deepest insecurity, sensitivity and inner hurt, particularly feelings of not being good enough or not lovable. These planetary relationships allow us the opportunity to understand and embrace our wounding around these issues. When we are able to do that, we learn that our wounds are in fact our gifts, they are part of what makes us so amazing! This New Moon is really an inner journey, as there are many planets retrograde. (To learn more about the retrograde planets click here). Generally retrograde planets direct their energy inward, or sometimes towards old unresolved issues. However, if we are not skilled at navigating and exploring our inner dialogue, we may project this inner excitement of change to our outer world in order to experience something exciting and dynamic but inadvertently creating conflict in our lives, especially with our loved ones. The other possibility is that we have finally reached our limit and can no longer maintain the status quo, leading us to make changes that appear to others as abrupt even though in actuality they have been brewing under the surface for quite some time. This is supported by Venus’s (love, beauty, art) challenging relationship with Uranus (change/innovation). All this fiery, changeable energy may make you feel anxious and overwhelmed. If this is the case, try to find a place where you can be still and quiet. Turn your attention to your breath, especially your exhale. It will help you move this energy. Take some long slow deep breaths and ask yourself, ‘what’s the next best step?’ Just one step not ten. Then do that step. By choosing one step, we release ourselves from the need to solve the entire problem. Inactivity and indecision fuels anxiety, so taking action helps build self-confidence, gives a feeling of moving forward and a sense of accomplishment. Then, you can repeat the process to maintain your forward momentum and create a more vibrant and embodied life, one small step at a time. After all a temple is not built all at once, it takes many, many, many small actions. During this grand Total Solar Eclipse, I hope you can make the time to witness this amazing astrological spectacle and that you may experience it with a sense of peace and courage. The forces of the universe are aligning to help you realize your true, life purpose. My wish is that you may cherish this golden opportunity to initiate the emergence of your new, true, authentic, conscious, divine, higher self. Dive Deep, To Ascend! Andrea
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AuthorAndrea Carvalho, musings on the journey to vibrant embodiment. Archives
July 2023